Tejas Missional Communities
Our Calling
Instead of hanging out inside a church building, we go into the community, where people live, work, and play, living the love of Jesus Christ, out into their lives. This simple process looks like making new friends or being kind to strangers (friends we haven’t made yet)! The goals are to love others as Christ has loved us, live in community with them, and allow the Holy Spirit of God to introduce them to Christ through our actions. We then invite these new friends to join us at other gatherings and in missional work in their community. The places or settings we’ll live this love out take place in several different “spaces.”

Public Spaces
This is where we offer monthly worship services for anyone and everyone. These services take place in various places and look somewhat like a “church” service. There is live music, biblical preaching, prayers, the Lord’s Supper and Christian fellowship. Typically anywhere from 40-150 people are in attendance. New friends are made and an invitation to know Christ is always offered.
Social Spaces
These gatherings usually occur monthly and are held at various venues around the community. They may be outside at a local brewery or inside a wine bar, a community center or park, a local sporting event, someone’s backyard or at a ranch. Groups in size of 20-40 usually make up these gatherings. Again, new friends are made and invited to join us in other “spaces.”

Personal Spaces
Small home groups make up most of the personal space gatherings. Meeting around a table, living room, or on a back porch. These smaller groups engage one another more as personal friends over dinner, drinks, Bible or book studies, sporting events on TV, etc. Families with kids can be involved and friendships grow deeper. These gatherings are typically 8-15 people in size. As these home groups grow, they split into new groups so that the community grows and new, future disciples are always being added.
Intimate Spaces
This is where pastoral care and spiritual guidance occurs with 2-4 people meeting together. Prayers, personal conversation, spiritual support, and encouragement make up these meetings. The Holy Spirit of God convicts hearts and decisions are made to follow Christ in these intimate spaces.

Common Questions
Is this a church or what?
Yes and no! Tejas Missional Communities seeks to live into the original model and understanding of what the “church”, which is really individual believers in Jesus Christ, was supposed to be all along. Unfortunately, over time, “church” became known as a building or institution some folks decide to “go to” verses something they actually “are” as they live their daily lives. We are not “traditional church”, but we do have Christian worship services that resemble "church" services. Our focus is more on everyday living and gathering with all types of people, in all sorts of places instead of trying to attract folks to come to our "church."
Is this really a denominational church, masking itself as something else?
Definitely not! Some may say we are “non-denominational”, and some might say we are “all-denominational” but actually, we’re not associated with any particular “church” or denomination, managed by a hierarchy of bishops and elders. We are accountable to our organizational leadership and Council, those who are involved in our “communities” and always to Jesus Christ.
Do you have ordained ministers or pastors that lead these missional communities?
Yes! We have many that have been ordained as Ministers of Missional Communities. These ministers serve in a geographical area or in a particular “mission field”. Some might serve in the business community, with the elderly in assisted living or homebound circumstances, with all ages of kids, in youth sports, and community mission work, in singles groups, leading adult Bible studies, with those in jail or recently released, leading community gatherings and worship services, championing local mission work with non-profits, serving individual community member’s needs, providing pastoral care in homes and hospitals, and much more!
What about the money? Do you folks give tithes and offerings and if so, where does the money go?
Yes, we encourage and accept tithes and offerings as we believe God blesses us to be a blessing to others. You can make gifts to God through Tejas Missional Communities using our website “giving” button, by mail to our P.O. Box, or in person at a gathering. The monies we receive help pay honorariums for musicians that play at our gatherings, rental fees required by various venues where we meet, for use in supporting persons in need, and gifts we share with local non-profit organizations. All gifts are tax-deductible as the law allows as we are a 501c3, tax-exempt, non-profit organization, operating in the eyes of the IRS as a “church.”
Does Tejas Missional Communities have land and a “church” building somewhere?
No. We are a people of God on the move around the community. Our “area of service” stretches from New Braunfels to Boerne, San Antonio to Blanco and all parts in between. We meet in community centers, outside venues, bars, restaurants, personal residences, city parks, and anywhere the Spirit of God leads us to gather. We go where people normally go, hang out with them, and love them in Jesus’ name. The Spirit of God does the rest!